Life is better together.
At Central, we believe you can’t become the best version of yourself by yourself. That’s where Groups come in! We’re here to help you find people you enjoy spending time with and who will encourage you to grow in your faith.
Gather - when 2 or more people gather it's a group
Grow - grow in your relationship with Jesus and those around you.
Give - give of your time and gifts to bring people closer to Jesus
In a Group, you’ll connect with 8-12 Central Partners (or 4-6 couples) and take the conversation to a deeper level. We’ve seen that those willing to be intentional in finding a spiritual community have gained life-long friendships and have grown substantially in their faith. Groups meet on different days of the week, some once a month, some weekly, and some every other week, to discuss what it means to be a follower of Jesus.
We want to help you find a Group that’s right for you.
Advent Groups at Central
Financial Peace University
Tuesdays - January 14-April 8
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Central Lutheran
Leader: Chris Thies
Get Started
Short-Term Groups
Ongoing Groups
Become a Leader
Group Resources
Groups FAQs
Our short-term groups meet for a specific amount of time to discuss life questions and learn about the building blocks of being a follower of Jesus.
Our ongoing groups meet continuously throughout the year. The groups are always open for new people to join.
For anyone who would like to jump right in, please contact the Group leader of the small group you are interested in joining. We also have Discover Classes at Central, where you can learn more about the church, how God uniquely created you, and what having a relationship with God looks like. Attend a Discover Central, Discover Your Design, or a Discover a Life of Faith Class, and the leader will connect you to your best next step for joining a Group.
We offer icebreaker questions to help groups get to know one another. We also provide Right Now Media, which contains thousands of Bible Study options for leaders. Twice a year, Central offers small group leader training to equip the leaders with better practices and ways to have a more successful group.
Please get in touch with Pam Moran at for more information about the care and support groups that meet at Central.