This is what it’s all about: Kids finding purpose and community and having a ton of fun as they learn about Jesus. We hope your kids leave on Wednesdays full of excitement about their experience in Central Kids.
Kids' rooms open 10 minutes before classes start
Attendance will be taken in the classroom
For the safety of our kids we ask that you bring your kid(s) to their classroom each week and pick them up from their classroom each week.
6:30pm Wednesday
Before the worship service, kids ages 1st through 5th grade join in an age-appropriate small group setting from 5:30 to 6:15pm to help your child learn to love and follow Jesus through a Biblical lesson and activity.
9:30am Sunday
Between our worship services, kids ages 4K (Potty trained 4-year-olds) through 5th grade join in an age-appropriate small group setting from 9:30 to 10:15am to help your child learn to love and follow Jesus through a Biblical lesson and activity.
Central Littles (Birth-Pre K)
We partner with you for your child's spiritual growth by providing parent resources. Please download the Parent Cue App at parentcue.org.
It is our hope that your child will learn:
God MADE me.
God LOVES me.
Jesus wants to be my FRIEND forever.
In the first five years of life, a child forms impressions about themselves and the world. In this PHASE, we want children to embrace their physical needs and explore their world with wonder and imagination.
We want toddlers to experience:
God's love
And to meet God's family
Elementary (4K-5GR)
We believe the Bible should never be boring, good leaders always care, and worship can be really fun! Weekly small group settings are designed to guide children to put their faith in Jesus.
The weekly small group leader is focused on making these three truths stick:
I need to make the WISE choice
I can TRUST God no matter what
I should TREAT OTHERS the way I want to be treated

We are excited to offer the Central Kids (4K through 5th gr) the opportunity for Sunday fellowship during our 10:30 modern worship service. The kids will learn from bible stories, videos, crafts, games, and more while interacting with each other in a group setting of elementary-aged kids.
Registration is open and required for each child in this volunteer-led program. We ask that the kids be checked in each Sunday morning by a parent or guardian before the modern worship service begins and then picked up from the classroom by a parent or guardian when the service is finished.

Helpful Information
New Bibles-All children in 3rd grade will receive a new kids Bible in partnership with their parents and the Partners at Central. | Click Here
First Communion - First Communion is a special time in the Lutheran Church when kids get to participate in communion with the church family. The body and blood of Christ is where we welcome them to eat bread and drink wine as a way of remembering Jesus. It's usually celebrated when kids are around 7 to 8 years old, have an understanding of communion, and continue learning deeper about their faith. It's an important part of being a Lutheran and helps kids feel closer to God as well as their church community. Sign Up Here
VBS - Central provides two fun-filled days of learning about Jesus through songs, dance, crafts, activities, snacks, and more.
Luther Park Bible Camp-Central Lutheran Church partners with families by sponsoring half the cost of summer camp at Luther Park Bible Camp. Parents, please go to www.lutherpark.org, Click "Register," and complete your online registration.
Join our Team
If you’re interested in helping with Central Kids, please fill out the form below. Each SGL (Small Group Leader) is asked to move up with their kids throughout elementary school. We hope the SGL will start with a PreK class and move with the kids until they transition into the student program at the end of 5th grade.